viernes, 29 de noviembre de 2013

Social science

The development in South Africa began with the end of Apartheid in 1994. The downfall of this system meant reintegration and growth of the country such as international business and science and technology cooperation. Through cooperation in politic, economic and development, South Africa and European
         Union have achieved to establish a solid association, meanly in the field of science and technology. South Africa is by its characteristics policies, economics, and geographic in an advantageous position to form an international cooperation. It´s important to mention South Africa has a little scientific base, but upscale. South Africa has various attractive factors associated its geographic advantages that allow a growth of activities associated to astronomy and paleontology.
Since the agreement in 1996 about scientific and technology cooperation the South African researchers have contributed to the Research Framework Programme of European Union. During the VI Framework Programme took place the launch of programs to the advance of science and technology in Europe and South Africa (ESASTAP) and it is a platform centered in the advance of the society between South Africa and European Union, funded by European Union within the VI Framework Programme and directed by Science and technology department of South Africa.
In the Framework of South African Union, the initiatives in science and technology began in 2003 with the first Ministerial Conference on Science and Technology in Johannesburg. At that meeting produced the Plan of Action on Science and Technology.
The science and technology cooperation outside of African continent has been reflected through bilateral agreements with South American countries.
          The main country, Argentina, in 2006 both countries signed an agreement to the scientific- technologic cooperation and in which is presented as area of cooperation: agriculture and livestock; information technology, manufacturing, mining and geology, health and social sciences and humanities.

South Africa is a country that has had considerable development after the end of Apartheid, but also has progressed still much like fighting poverty and inequality that still exists in this country.   


We consider that the education is the basis of all countries because  depend the development of a country. Currently South Africa is one of the countries in the world that make a great public investment on education that on any other area. Also the state has the obligation of provide a basic education to all its citizen without discrimination, this is according to the country`s constitution. The education in South Africa is divided in three levels, the basic education, the secondary education and high education.
With the end of the apartheid the South African`s constitution establish that all its citizen have the same rights and little by little it has been eradicate the inequality and discrimination, increasing the number of non-white children in college that were exclusive for withe children . In South Africa exist a public and private education, the public education is finance and managed for the South African state. Additionally the government is has promised to provide a

compulsory and free education for all the South African children from the 9 years to 15 years old and after that the family   finance the high education, in where  fewer people  have the opportunity of continue studying.
For the other hand Private schools and higher education institutions have all the autonomy but without make no type of discrimination against the students already will be for his or her religious, race etc.
The education in this country is divided in three levels, the basic education, the secondary education, and high education and since 2009 is managed by two ministers and each one achieve with its functions. Additionally South Africa has 12 million students and 366.000 teachers and around of 28,000 schools. Despite Government’s effort exist a great percentage of children that do not attend to class for lack of resources.
The South African government is working hard for overcome the high rates of illiteracy that left the apartheid, and beside the low levels of literacy and education can stop the economic developing of a country.